First day at work: see 9 tips to make a good impression!

14th September, 2024

After participating in several selection processes, sending your CV to several companies and participating in interviews , your first day of work has finally arrived!

This is the most crucial moment for everyone in their lives, whether he/she has performed any job or not. However, even if one is an experienced worker, something is sure: the first working day is always accompanied by nervousness and anxiety.

In addition, you'll have many information at one time, and you may get puzzled with so many things happening together.

So, today we're going to give you some tips on how you should have a nice first day at work and make a good impression.

Stay tuned for the next tips!

1. Be punctual

According to research, people form a first impression in just half a second , meaning that even before getting to know you better, people will already have a pre-judgment about you.

That's why being punctual is so important! Imagine if you arrive late on your first day, this can really contribute to a negative impression of you.

So, leave home earlier if you work in person, or wake up earlier if you work from home, and make sure you arrive at the scheduled time or a few minutes earlier.

2. Be careful with your clothing

On the matter of a good impression, clothes may be your best friend.

There's no specific rule; what matters is that you're dressing according to the dress code in your company.

To know which clothes are the best for every company, just look for photos of employees inside the workplace. Every company has pictures of their employees on their websites, so search until you find them.

From the photos, you will be able to know which types of clothing are most appropriate for that work environment. Some places value formal clothing and have a higher level of formality, while others allow more casual clothing. Go according to what is common in the company.

3. Participate in Onboarding

Onboarding is the process that seeks to integrate new employees into the company, that is, it is the moment of socialization, learning about the organizational culture, routine of the areas and processes of the company  .

You might have to search for this information on your own in certain situations because not all organizations follow this organized procedure. Make an effort to learn how the business you will be working for handles this procedure.

In any case, it is important that you participate in all meetings and activities that will be requested at this time, so that you can learn as much as possible about the company and its day-to-day activities .

4. Get organized

You'll be inundated with material on the first day, and you could feel overwhelmed by the amount of knowledge you have to absorb in such a short amount of time.

For this reason, being organized is crucial to ensuring that you don't get lost. Remember to jot down the most crucial facts you require and will find beneficial in your daily existence.

5. Study the company

You may have to attend a few company introductory meetings on your first day, but it's important to do some research on the organization before you even start working.

This way, you will become more familiar with the history, culture and values ​​and will be able to simply recall everything you have already studied in the presentations. In addition, you will be able to focus on clarifying doubts and will have less new information to learn all at once on the first day. So, study beforehand! 

6. The people you will be working with day to day

It would make complete sense if you were aware of who you're going to be interacting with most within the course of a working day so that you can start forming relationships with them from day one.

And this will make it much easier regarding asking questions, asking for help and collaborating on projects.

7. Find out the rules of the place

Knowing the rules of the workplace is essential so that you do not commit any act that could violate them.

Know the rules and organizational culture to understand what you should and cannot do, to ensure good coexistence with other employees .

8. Ask questions

Do not leave something in your head that is going to bother you later on! Take this first opportunity to ask your questions and get things clarified.

Do not hesitate to ask many questions. Other employees know that this is the first phase, which will create a lot of questions, so they will be even more understanding and helpful with you. Make use of this first phase to put everything regarding procedures, rules, etc. into place.

9. And most of all, establish ties!

Your job is where you would spend most of your time during the day. Therefore, you would need to build relationships with people in your team and other collaborators as that alone would make your day-to-day activities easier and enjoyable.

Furthermore, creating connections with people at work helps to increase the feeling of belonging at work and this promotes other positive feelings, such as well-being, happiness, productivity, among others.

We hope this article has helped you prepare for your first day at work. We wish you a great first day, good luck.


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