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Freelancer: how to effectively control your personal finances

Workers with uncertain income must have medium and long-term planning to avoid complications in months of low demand While freelance workers have a certain freedom to choose their working hours and location, on the other hand, their income is more uncertain compared to that of employees registered under the CLT. Therefore, knowing how to control personal finances , while already important in anyone's life, becomes even more essential for self-employed workers. In addition to planning expenses...

Financial spreadsheet: Learn how to set up adequate control for management

A financial spreadsheet is one of the main tools used in business management. Learn how to create one in Excel for your company in this article. The financial area is a very important one for any kind of enterprise, but at the same time, it is one of the activities that poses more challenges and demands time and effort. In this sense, technology can become the best ally of managers and other employees in the finance department of an organization. The days of making calculations and notes on pa...

Budget and forecast: understand the difference and how to use them in financial management

The corporate world is full of words and expressions in other languages, especially English, that are incorporated into everyday life. This is the case of budget and forecast, We have already mentioned that both are standard procedures for good money management. So, how do these terms apply to corporate financial management? What is the difference between them in practice? Continue reading the article to understand each concept and learn how to use them to organize and monitor financial planni...

Business financial planning: how to do it, strategies

One of the most important management tasks in business is corporate financial planning . After all, strategically distributing available capital, understanding risks and defining growth objectives are what guide companies' activities in the market. Ideally, every business should start its operation by making a strategic plan, followed by a financial plan, to have a clear vision of the opportunities in its niche and understand whether the prospects are favorable. This way, your company can avoi...

Financial risk: what is it and how to reduce it in the company?

A market premise that is part of the reality of all operating companies is financial risk . From the moment of opening to the consolidation of the business, there are risks associated with various factors that can influence operational development if they are not taken into account. Starting a business or investing in a project without mapping out financial risk can put your company in an unfavorable and difficult situation to exit. In the 2023 edition of the PwC Global Risk Survey , 56% o...

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