What not to say in an interview: check the main tips

14th September, 2024

An interview is one of the last steps in the selection process. So, doing well during this stage of the process is extremely important, and it can even be crucial in getting a position.

Once you understand how to do well in a job interview , it is also essential to know what to avoid to further improve your performance.

So, keep reading this article to improve your interview skills! 

1. Don't lie

Lying is one of the main mistakes made during a job interview. At first, it can even help you pass the selection process and even get the job you want . 

This can hurt you in your day-to-day because people begin to realize that you perhaps do not have the skills you said you were endowed with. Mostly, you get given a job that does not match your profile; thus, you are not happy at work since you can't perform as you would.

It is, therefore, very important to be honest in the entire selection process, such that you attain a vacancy that will indeed make sense to you and will be professionally fulfilling.

2. Don't badmouth your old job

This doesn't mean you can't criticize old work, but the main point to keep in mind here is to always use respectful language when mentioning it. 

Badmouthing your previous job is the worst, especially in a disrespectful manner. This can show an extremely negative image of you since the interviewer may think that if one day you leave the company, you will be able to do the same thing you are doing with your old job.

Therefore, if you're going to criticize somebody, do it respectfully and constructively.

3. Do not use inappropriate language

Even if the company has a more informal tone, try not to overdo it. Avoid using too much slang or swearing during the interview. 

There is also no need to be too formal. Ideally, you should observe the way the person interviewing you is speaking to you and, based on that, adapt your language.

Adapting your language so that it is similar to the person you are speaking to can help you create a bond with the person, as well as aiding in clearer and more understandable communication . 

4. Avoid asking very basic information about the company 

Before attending the interview, you have to research information about the company-from its history down to the mission, vision, and values.

Research and learn about the organization as much as possible so you come prepared with different kinds of questions, which most people don't ask. This is one way of differentiating yourself from other candidates.

Additionally, research also prevents you from asking for very basic information, which could end up showing that you didn't make the effort to look for the minimum information about the company available on the internet. 

5. Don't go against the company's values

It's truly important that you understand what the company values in the work environment and in its workers. You can easily find out through a simple search on Google about the denomination of the organization, thereby accessing the official page of the firm with its values or culture.

Write down everything, and remember what the organization values ​​and know how to give concrete examples for each situation.

For example, a company that values ​​teamwork will be better off talking about situations where you cooperate with your team to solve a problem rather than talking about one project that you did all by yourself without any help.

6. Try not to give too vague answers. 

Another thing that can hurt you at this point is giving very vague answers. For example, when a recruiter asks you to mention a situation in which you applied a cultural value or solved a problem, they expect you to tell them how you did it and what results you achieved with it . 

So, when you talk about a project or a skill that you developed, think about how you did it and what results you achieved. But don't go on too long and talk for too long. Be objective and only tell the necessary details. 

7. Don't interrupt the person you are interviewing

Another good practice during an interview is to not interrupt the person interviewing you; wait for your turn to speak. If you really need to interrupt the person while they are speaking, be polite when you do so and avoid unexpected interruptions. 

Interrupting can be interpreted negatively, for example, that you don't know how to listen to other people, an essential skill in everyday work. 


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