Why I want to work at the company: 4 types of convincing answers

14th September, 2024

In this article we will talk about how to answer this question in a structured, convincing way, but without shortcuts. Let's go?

The word here is “focus”

To begin with, be aware that looking for a job is a form of work .

It is common  — and completely understandable  — for people to apply for multiple positions at the same time in the hope of being called. The key to this habit is to really have a strategy in place for these processes.

This is because when we apply for a job in “automatic mode”, without fully understanding the position, the required skills and, no less importantly, the company itself, there is a high risk of frustration when we arrive at the interview and realize that the recruiter did not seem very impressed with our profile. That is, when we actually manage to get to that stage.

Situations like this can often happen due to a lack of extra attention from the moment you decided to send your resume , but the point is: focusing on who you are and what you are looking for is fundamental.

4 tips for answering the famous question “why do you want to work at the company”

1. Beware of clichés and ready-made models

Now that you know that when applying for a job, you need to be prepared, let's start by explaining the clichés that won't set you apart in a selection process.

You may have heard the phrase “it’s no use memorizing, you have to learn.” In an interview, the logic is the same, so in this article, you won’t see ready-made models.

But don't worry! Of course, you can take inspiration from response models that are published on various blogs and websites to create one that suits your reality, that's fine!

Still, avoid reproducing exactly the same speech you saw on some website with these ready-made answers as much as possible. After all, in the same way that you are using a model as a basis for your answer, think that thousands of other candidates may be doing the same. Authenticity is everything at these times, think about it.

Another thing to be careful of is not giving too much praise, whether it is for the company or about your profile without having a theoretical basis behind it. You can say that you have a creative and proactive profile without having to use only adjectives to define yourself.

Just saying that the company is cool, attractive and has good reviews may not sound very convincing. Having a well-founded context may be the best way to give an impactful response.

Mostly, it means proving that you know what you are talking about and that you appreciate it-for example, saying you want to join a company because of its Diversity and Inclusion values, where you can already feel comfortable being yourself and growing in this healthy environment. That will carry much more weight than saying something generic like, "I heard good things about the company, and I think I will be happy here".

To ensure that your answer is not a cliché, but also doesn't become a very long speech, try to understand the reasons why you want to work at the company.

  • What have you heard about the company?
  • Why do you think you will be happy at the company?

2. Study the values

As I mentioned in the previous topic, knowing what you are talking about can be a big key to your answer. Companies generally publicize aspects of their organizational culture , whether on their institutional website, social media, among others.

In an optimistic scenario where you have access to these pillars of culture, read about each of them and realize what you have already done at work that adhered to this value.

3. Review the job description

Now that you know that you will need to write your own answer, start by reviewing the job description. For example, you can check the responsibilities and duties , as well as the requirements and qualifications . Tip: pay close attention to this part and ask yourself:

  • What does the company need?
  • What do I already know how to do today that can meet the company's needs?
  • What soft skills do I have today that are expected by the company?
  • What professional experiences do I have that are relevant to the requirements and worth mentioning in an interview?

With these answers, you will also be able to create arguments about the compatibility of your profile with the vacancy in conjunction with the other tips in this article.

4. Transparency

And last but not least, “sincericide” can be a self-destructive practice in interviews, so pay close attention!

If you don't know what "sincericide" is, I'll explain it to you in a very simple way: it's the practice of saying everything you think without filtering the effects that these words generate.

In a practical example: expose all the gossip and “horrible things” that you experienced at a company. Even if it is true, after all, there are several reports of toxic companies, still, the job interview is not the time for this type of outburst.

Being transparent, unlike “sincericide”, is showing what you know, your intentions and your vulnerabilities in a prudent way .

For example, it is much easier to explain that you want to join the company because you noticed a strong cultural alignment in areas X and Y, than to explain that the reason is that your last job was (or is) the worst experience of your life.

And even if they extend the question to “and why do you want to leave the company you are at?”, being transparent and saying that you no longer identify with the current company and bringing up the positive points that the new opportunity will generate, sounds much better than staying stuck in the current reality and running the risk of violating ethics.


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